
ADMI 2023 Wrapped: A Year of Triumphs, Partnerships, and Creative Excellence

As we bid farewell to an extraordinary year, it’s time to unwrap the highlights and achievements that have made 2023 truly remarkable for Africa Digital Media Institute (ADMI). Join us on a journey through the year’s successes, partnerships, and creative milestones that define our thriving community. 

🏆 Accolades and Awards: Celebrating Creative Excellence 

The ADMI community’s creative brilliance shone brightly in the awards and nominations received throughout 2023. Each accolade reflects the exceptional talent within our community: 

  • Kenya Photography Contest 2023: Isaac Biosse – Winner Best Photographer  (alumnus). 
  • Mobile Film Festival Africa: Solomon Emuria’s “The Loop” – Nomination (Finalist). (student) 
  • Sondeka Awards: Nick Kipchirchir (Best Game/App Developer), Tugi Waiyaki (Poetry), Emmanuel Bwibo (Digital Art) – Nominations. (alumnus) 
  • 48 Hour Film Challenge: Team ADMI – Winner Best Cinematography. (students)

  • Zanzibar International Film Festival: Teddy Gitau – Winner Best Actor in East Africa. (alumnus) 
  • Die Brucke Art Jam Photo Competition: Lawal Oladele – Winner. (alumnus) 
  • Safta: Brenda Maina – Best Writer. (student) 
  • Up and Coming International Film Festival Hannover: ADMI Students – Winner Best International Student Short Film (“God Forbid”). 

Employer Report: Kenya Skills Report 2023 

Collaborating with the Federation of Kenya Employers (FKE) and Nexford University, ADMI proudly unveiled the Kenya Skills Report 2023. This comprehensive report offers insights into the evolving skills landscape in Kenya, providing valuable data that will shape the future of education and employment in the region. 

Fundraising Triumphs: Empowering Dreams and Initiatives 

This year ADMI raised over $800,000 from new and existing partners. Key partnerships of note include an agreement with the Global Opportunity Youth Network to train 600 opportunity youth over two years. Look out for more exciting partnerships from this year that will be announced in the coming weeks. ADMI was also selected by the KIEP +250 project, a collaborative effort with the Government of Kenya and the World Bank, for technical assistance support provided to fast-growing SMEs. Furthermore, the continuous support for the M-PESA and Netflix scholarship programs demonstrates our commitment to empowering the next generation of digital media experts. 

New and Continuing Partnerships: Expanding the ADMI Family 

Welcoming Wowzi, Shortlist, Atamiza, Cloud Factory, FKE & Nexford to the ADMI family has been a thrilling addition. These partnerships, along with our continued collaborations with AFD & Rubika and Heva Fund, further strengthen our ecosystem, creating a network of innovation and shared success. 

🌟 Panel Appearances & Thought Leadership in 2023 

In the vibrant tapestry of 2023, ADMI emerged as a beacon of thought leadership and influence, leaving an indelible mark on significant panels and events. At the NAICCON LTD 2023, we took center stage in a captivating panel discussion titled ‘The Creative Economy and Tech.’ Led by our esteemed Head of Enrollment, Eva Njagi, the dialogue explored the seamless integration of creativity and technology, offering valuable insights into the evolving landscape.  

Furthermore, ADMI played a pivotal role as a key panellist at the Under Our Skin International Film Festival on Human Rights & Culture. Beyond the analysis of compelling films and animations that ignited essential conversations, our engagement extended to thought-provoking talks and a masterclass, delving into the intricacies of film production and creative careers. This active participation in thought-provoking panels exemplifies our dedication to thought leadership, contributing to dialogues that shape the convergence of creativity and technology. 

Notably, our journey also led us to collaborate with the Kibra Film & Creative Hub, hosting a masterclass right here at ADMI. This unique initiative further amplified our dedication to fostering hands-on learning experiences, creating spaces for creative exploration and skill development. 

ADMI proudly hosted a team of students from Harvard Business School as a FIELD Immersion Partner. This partnership aimed to explore and develop innovative strategies for integrating immersive and experiential learning into ADMI’s virtual programs. The collaboration focused on an in-depth assessment and recommendations for ADMI’s digital upskilling platform, AcceleratEd, revealing that over 84 percent of ADMI’s professional students are drawn to the Institute’s emphasis on practical training and job placement. ADMI looks forward to carrying forward the valuable insights gained from this collaboration, shaping the future of immersive learning. 

 🚀 Enterprise Achievements: Fostering Creativity and Skills Development 

ADMI’s commitment to nurturing creativity and skills development reached new heights with the impactful Digital DNA Workshops. These sessions brought together visionaries from renowned brands such as Shop Zetu, Centum, Absa, CKL, and GOYN Mombasa, creating an environment where innovation and excellence intersected. It’s a testament to our dedication to shaping the future of digital media through collaborative learning experiences.

International Training Success: NELSAP – CU Animation Training 

ADMI’s commitment to global impact manifested in the successful training of a team of seven officials from NELSAP – CU. Hailing from Ethiopia, Sudan, Rwanda, Uganda, and Tanzania, they immersed themselves in a 10-day intensive program focused on 2D and 3D Animation, contributing to the growth of digital media expertise beyond borders 

 🎥 ADMI’s Cinematic Milestones: UNLEASHED Film Screening 

We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to every who made our first-ever film screening, UNLEASHED, an unforgettable success. The energy and enthusiasm in the room were electrifying, and it was an absolute pleasure sharing our students’ handwork, witness the transformation of student productions from camera handling to professional, high-quality content. The excitement is real, the talent is palpable, and the future of creative excellence is displayed…

🎉 Africa Digital Media Festival: A Celebration of Innovation and Imagination 

Reliving the magic of the #AfricaDigitalMediaFestival! Our talented students and alumni showcased their creativity and undeniable talent. A massive THANK YOU to everyone who joined us. Your support and enthusiasm made the festival a resounding success! A major shoutout to the talented students and alumni—you are the true stars! 

As we wrap up this momentous year, we extend heartfelt wishes for a joyous holiday season filled with laughter, love, and well-deserved relaxation. May the upcoming year be filled with boundless possibilities, continued achievements, and the collective success to ADMI.   

Thank you for being a vital part of our thriving community. 

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