Event photography can be quite tasking but we put together some tips to guide a beginner event photographer into creating beautiful work

5 Tips For Submitting Amazing Event Pictures

Event photography can be quite tasking but we put together some tips to guide a beginner event photographer into creating beautiful work
Event photography made easier by these five tips. Read more here.

If you’ve read Malcolm Gladwell’s, The Tipping Point, in any situation, it’s the little things that make the difference and not the big things. Crime in New York was at an all-time high until the City Board cleaned up the graffiti in the subway system. This can be applied to the photography world, what makes or breaks event photography are little issues like planning and communication.

We have compiled 5 tips that will help you take better pictures at your next event:

1. Get a clear brief A brief is a document that explains the aim of an event and the deliverables. It is advisable that the project brief is clear, achievable, and realistic. The brief should allow you to answer questions about location, shots, timelines, and IP. These questions can be framed as follows; Is it an indoor or an outdoor event? What shots do you need to take? Wide angles, close-ups? Profiles? How many edited images do you need to submit? What are the timelines for submission? Who retains the right over the images? Do you have permission to republish the images? The event organizer needs to clarify the above before you even sign the contract. You will then use this information to create the event checklist.

2. Go on a reconnaissance visit It is always advisable to go for a reconnaissance visit. This allows you to get a visual of the venue; hence mentally prepare for the task at hand. For instance, an indoor event requires more lighting as compared to an external event. Some of the lighting equipment you will need are LED lights, strobe lights, etc. Take a few test shots with your camera, then update your initial checklist.

3. Test your equipment Using your checklist test your equipment and ensure you have everything in place. Testing your equipment allows you to know what works and what is in need of replacing or renting. Ensure that the equipment is fully charged and you’ve rented what is missing.

4. Arrive early Be on time. Arriving late is unprofessional and it shows that you don’t care about your assignment. If you know that you’re going to be late, communicate. This allows the organizer to focus on other tasks other than worrying that you have pulled out. Arriving early enables you to set up your equipment and take a few test shots before the event commences.

5. Lighting Lighting is the most important aspect of any shoot. Lighting allows you to get good shots and minimizes the amount of time that will be spent on editing. There are various equipment that exist to help in the lighting. Godox, Flash, LED, etc. There you have it. Ready to apply for one of our courses?

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