We have over 90 Placement rate and over 65 of our students found their first job through us and 98 said the investment was worth every cent Enquire today
We have over 90 Placement rate and over 65 of our students found their first job through us and 98 said the investment was worth every cent Enquire today

ADMI is a leading creative media and technology training institution, offering practical courses in Film & TV Production, Journalism & Multimedia, Mobile App & Game Development, Music Production, Sound Engineering, Animation & Motion Graphics, Graphic Design, Photography, Multimedia and Digital Marketing.

Our programmes combine high-spec technical training in creative media and technology with intensive digital and soft-skills coaching, along with a rigorous apprenticeship process.

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We have over 90 Placement rate and over 65 of our students found their first job through us and 98 said the investment was worth every cent Enquire today

ADMI is a leading creative media and technology training institution, offering practical courses in Film & TV Production, Journalism & Multimedia, Mobile App & Game Development, Music Production, Sound Engineering, Animation & Motion Graphics, Graphic Design, Photography, Multimedia and Digital Marketing.

Our programmes combine high-spec technical training in creative media and technology with intensive digital and soft-skills coaching, along with a rigorous apprenticeship process.

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