
Africa Digital Media Institute Selected As Field Immersion Project Partner For Harvard Business School


Africa Digital Media Institute (ADMI) recently had the opportunity to host a team of students from Harvard Business School as a FIELD Immersion Partner. “We are pleased to be working with Harvard Business School to provide students with a real-world learning experience in Nairobi.” said Aggrey Oriwo, Managing Director of ADMI. “We feel certain that the students were able to gather insights here that they would never be able to glean from a classroom discussion alone.” 

The Harvard and ADMI teams worked side by side to explore and develop innovative strategies to integrate immersive and experiential learning experiences into ADMI’s virtual programs. The project included an in-depth assessment and recommendations for ADMI’s digital upskilling skilling platform, AcceleratEd. The report found that over 84 percent of ADMI’s professional students say they are attracted by the Institute’s practical training and focus on job placement.  

As education continues to evolve in the digital age, the power of immersive learning to equip our students with the skills and mindset needed to thrive in the ever-changing professional landscape remains crucial.  

“We are extremely grateful to ADMI and all the FIELD Immersion Project Partners organizations for all they do on behalf of our students,” said Carrie Elkins, Professor of Business Administration and Faculty Chair for project. “The students benefit immeasurably from this experience, and we hope the partner organizations do as well.” 

ADMI is grateful for the collaboration and knowledge exchange that has taken place throughout this partnership. We are excited to carry forward the insights gained as we continue shaping the future of immersive learning. 


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