To celebrate the ADMI 10th Anniversary stakeholders donors and partners had a corporate breakfast on 25th February 2022

Admi 10th Anniversary – Celebrating a Decade of Turning Passion Into Profession

To celebrate the ADMI 10th Anniversary stakeholders donors and partners had a corporate breakfast on 25th February 2022

The Institute celebrated a decade of training and mentoring African creatives at the ADMI 10th Anniversary Corporate Breakfast on the 25th of February 2022.

In attendance was Kenya Film Commission’s CEO, Mr Timothy Odhiambo Owase, the Africa Digital Media Group Board members, employer partners, parents, faculty, alumni and student council. Blackhouse Foundation, the Heva Fund, GIZ, Agence Francaise de Developpement (AFD), Cooperative Bank Foundation, MPESA Foundation Academy, and countless individual donors also joined ADMI in celebrating its milestones over the years.

To celebrate the ADMI 10th Anniversary stakeholders donors and partners had a corporate breakfast on 25th February 2022

10 years ago, ADMI began as Jamhuri Film and Television Academy with 5 enrolled students. Filmmaker Wilfred Kiumi founded JFTA to train and empower creatives. Today, ADMI celebrates having trained over 3,000 creatives in Africa and beyond.

The corporate breakfast was streamed live so that the rest of the ADMI community could participate in this celebration of hard work, growth and success. It was a special day celebrating our community for a great decade of turning passion into a profession and the new potential of creative careers in the new digital economy.

To celebrate the ADMI 10th Anniversary stakeholders donors and partners had a corporate breakfast on 25th February 2022

ADMF partnerships manager Mukui Mbindyo got the ball rolling by giving guests a warm welcome followed by a short speech from the Head of School Peter Waiguru.

Attendees watched a minimovie dubbed ’10 Wins’ which chronicles the milestones of the company including a 2018 Oscar-nominated film that its alumni participated in. It also highlights a partnership that was inked in 2019 by the institute with Rubika, a leading games and animation university in France and the Agence Francaise de Developpement (AFD).

Alumni got a chance to address the attendees with their inspiring achievements in the creative industry.  Filmmaker and creative director Bamidele Malaika shared how her journey since graduation.

To celebrate the ADMI 10th Anniversary stakeholders donors and partners had a corporate breakfast on 25th February 2022

“ ADMI has played a great foundational role in my career. After pursuing a diploma in film & TV production at ADMI, I proceeded to AFDA in Cape Town, South Africa to further my studies.”

At AFDA, Bamidele pursued a Bachelor in Motion Picture, Directing and Writing for Film, and she considers it a great experience because it helped her to see the world from a different perspective.

“I’m currently working on several passion projects that include writing and creating strategies for films. I’m grateful for this journey as I continue mapping out my career path. As a creative, you’re always evolving and restrategizing,” she said.

Unny Nzioka, an ADMI parent also had an opportunity to speak and share the transformational journey of her son, who’ll be graduating later this year.

“In 2019, my son Lincoln Nzioka was on a different campus pursuing a traditional career. As a parent, I was excited to witness his growth in his professional career but with time it became evident that he wanted to join the creative industry and pursue music.”

Unny, who at the time had little knowledge about the creative industry, set out on a journey to find a good institution for her son, where he would get the training and mentorship he needed. Upon doing some research and talking to several friends, they discovered ADMI and a decision for Lincoln to join us was made.

“I love seeing my son wake up each day to go to school to pursue his passion. The lecturers are in touch with the industry, students have a counsellor who caters to their mental wellbeing. After training, the school goes the extra mile of placing them on internships. It’s been such a lovely journey with ADMI and I’m very grateful for the wonderful experience my son and I have had. Thank you ADMI for making me a proud parent.” she shared.

After more testimonials by alumni and faculty, the Head of School cued another video that narrated ADMI’s future plans. This paved the way for Eng Mugo Kibati to speak on behalf of the board.

“Congratulations ADMI! This has been a long journey and I’m pleased to have been a close observer of your growth. ADMI is at the centre of the future of work, and I’m so proud to be part of this greatness. The board is particularly excited about ADMI’s future. There’ll be more announcements and more partnerships as we move towards the future of work.  On behalf of the board, I’d like to congratulate you and wish you more wins in the coming years.” he stated.

To celebrate the ADMI 10th Anniversary stakeholders donors and partners had a corporate breakfast on 25th February 2022

ADMI board Chair, Dr Laila Macharia, spoke afterwards and expressed her gratitude for what has been a beautiful adventure.

“Since our inception, we have witnessed great growth despite the challenges we’ve encountered. Without you, we would not be here today. To our students, alumni, staff, faculty, and industry partners, we appreciate you. As we look at our past with pride and gratitude, our future is filled with hope, and we’re excited for the great opportunities that await us. We invite you to continue walking this journey with us as we continue turning passion into profession.” she said.

The last to speak was honoured guest and Kenya Film Commission CEO, Mr Timothy Odhiambo.

“I’m happy to acknowledge and appreciate the great work ADMI is doing and to commit that for the next 10 years, the Kenya Film Commission will be here to work with you. The creative sector is providing an array of opportunities and it’s driving the rest of the sectors. Therefore, anyone who decides to be part of the creative economy is in the right place. Congratulations ADMI!” he said.

Dr Laila Macharia and Wilfred Kiumi then led the members of the board and industry partners in a cake cutting ceremony and a champagne toast. This was followed by a photo session with the press and attendees and everyone was free to leave at their leisure.

ADMI is devoted to meeting the demand in Africa’s growing creative economy. ADMI has successfully transformed the lives of thousands of students, and we look forward to reaching more, as we prepare them to create content for impact and profit.

To everyone who’s been part of our journey, we’re grateful. Thank you for a great 10 years and cheers to many more!

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