A multimedia course provides a good foundation for those wishing to get into content creation in todays high tech communication environment

Multimedia Certificate

A Certificate in Multimedia provides a good foundation for you wishing to get into content creation or enhance your professional expertise in today’s high-tech communication environment.

Course code: MMC100

Availability: Full time

Award: Level 5 National Certificate


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Multimedia Certificate

A Certificate in Multimedia provides a good foundation for you wishing to get into content creation or enhance your professional expertise in today’s high-tech communication environment.

Course code: MMC100

Availability: Full time

Award: Level 5 National Certificate


Enquire about Our Courses Today!

We understand that choosing the right educational path is a crucial decision and we are here to guide you every step of the way. Simply submit your contact details in the form and our team will reach out to provide personalized assistance. Let’s take the first step towards realizing your aspirations!

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